Index-Linked Term Deposits allow you to take advantage of potential gains in the stock market with no downside risk to your principle. It combines the principle protection of a GIC with the potential for growth of a mutual fund.
Why Choose an Index-Linked Term Deposit?
principle guarantee (you will not lose any of the original investment)
RRSP/TFSA/Non-Reg eligible
takes advantage of stock market gains without mutual fund administration/management fees
returns on the deposits are based on the performance of the S&P/TSX 60 Index
two terms to choose from, 3-year and 5-year (both are non-redeemable)
Click here to see a month-by-month breakdown of ILTD sales returns for the last 5 years. Click here to see a month-by-month breakdown of ILTD sales returns for the last 3 years.