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​Get retirement ready with an RRSP

A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) will help you retire comfortably. Contributions and interest earned are tax exempt, as long as they remain in the plan.  


Enjoy the benefits of an RRSP

  • ​​Lower your tax – Regular contributions to your RRSP will reduce the tax you owe, especially during your higher income years.
  • Grow your money – Because your RRSP is tax-deferred, your earnings will be tax sheltered until you withdraw them in retirement.
  • Contribute until you’re 71 – Make annual contributions up to 18% of your earnings or the government-mandated maximum limit until you turn 71.
  • Use a portion of it for your first home without penalty – Speak to a member of our team to learn more.
  • Use it to fund part of your education – If you want to continue your education, borrow a portion of the funds without penalty. Speak to us​ to learn more.
  • Flexible investing options – Your RRSP can hold a number of investments, including term deposits.

Ready to put the power of tax-sheltered investing to work for your retirement?

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​No matter your retirement plans, our experienced team will tailor their advice to help you maximize your savings to match.

How much will I save?

​Our Retirement Savings Calculator will help you work out how much your savings will be worth at retirement, and the income they'll provide.